Wasn't that the name of the old "MCI" calling plan? Does anyone remember MCI anymore?? Well, that's just a memory lane down which we don't need to go.
This update is primarily a request for prayer, but, heck, I'll never pass an opportunity to brag on my family either.
Prayer Request:
Our middle daughter, Savanna, (now 21 months) is just on of the cutest little people you'll ever meet. The issue is that she's just that, one of the littlest people for her age you'll ever meet. In fact, on the percentage weight charts she registers an official NULL for her age. Until a few months ago, she was holding a steady parallel progression to the chart, though way below the bottom ranking. Our Dr's felt this at least indicated she was growing in healthy, proportional manner, even if inexplicably small. Around teething time, her weight dropped. The drop wasn't significant, about 1 - 2 pounds, but when you are 18 months and 16 lbs (average kids are 20 lbs at 12 months), the Dr's wanted some specialists to get involved.
After numerous trips to Children's Hospital and even more numerous lab tests the growth specialists (Dr's specializing in pediatric growth for over 20 years) were completely stumped - until the x-ray. She eats larger portions than does her 3.5 yr old sister, is constantly happy and complains of no stomach aches. So we and the specialists were very surprised to learn that our little Savanna has quite a large back up in her bowel track. We've had her on a mild, and very common, child laxative for 6 months or more. But due to her complete lack of the normal symptoms, no one suspected anything. The current theory is that the back-up is causing stool to harden - which is prohibiting her body from absorbing nutrients - which is stunting her physical growth.
So, big deal right? Why the prayer request? Well, now that we've engaged in an intensive spike in laxative and laundry, the attention turns to find out the reason for the back-up. These reasons run the gambit from serious to benign and are too numerous to get into at this time. For example, in addition to some x-ray work today Savanna will also underwent a non-invasive Cystic Fibrosis test.
So, we ask for your prayers along the following lines:
- We are deeply convinced that Savanna, as with all children, was purposefully formed and placed on this Earth by a loving God who knows her and loves her better and more perfectly than Amy or I can or do.
- Her possible health problems, if any indeed turn up, are not the end of the world - or the end of God's goodness. There's just way too much we don't know about this world. But what we do know is that our passage on this Earth is very short in the grand scheme of Eternity. We also know that our perspective of pain, of health and of joy - indeed, even our deepest perceptions of Heaven or judgment - are drastically short-sided from the perspective of this God who formed and loves Savanna.
- Our faith (and our personal experience) informs us that God is very much at work in this world and in our lives. Pain, suffering, disappointment and physical limitations simply don't change this core fact - they just highlight there's a lot we don’t know or understand (see #2) above. At the same time, we know that God has invited us to participate with Him in the process of our coming to understand His will and, perhaps, to see His hand move in physical healing. Perhaps He won't. But perhaps He will. (2 Samuel 12:15-23)
I've experienced extremely sad circumstances when God didn't respond according to our requests and I've witnessed honest, medically proven miracles of healing. Both in response to the same prayers. Both were eventually recognized to be victories. In both cases, God was sought after, the veneer of our daily lives was ripped away and we all faced truer questions of life, meaning and eternity - and we were all better for it.
Thanks for allowing me this surface, theological ramble. :)
In short, Amy and I would be very thankful if you could take just a few minutes to join us in prayer for Savanna's health.
Family Update:
In other news:
- Alexa (3.5) is in swimming lessons. True to her last name, the girl is a little fish. Her teachers at the community center are amazed at her lack of fear of the water - not always a good thing I'm quick to remind everyone. She loves her newest word - this thing we call "Summertime".
- Savanna (21 months) the above prayer request not withstanding, is developing very quickly in verbal skills and comprehension. She is stringing together short sentences and plays the part of the absolute ham in the family.
- Alayna (a whopping 2.5 months) is growing great (25th percentile for weight - right where we like'em), sleeps through the night and goes on and on about those quadratic equations.
- Amy (she can share if she likes) has just done a wonderful job with this little clan and is quite busy holding our orbits together.
We love you all and miss you most of the time. Many, many thanks for your prayers and support.
Much love and gratitude,
The Basses (Alayna, Savanna, Alexa, Amy & Christian)
Yo, Christian Bass. Jumped on the computer immediately this morning when I saw there was an update on precious Savanna, and thank you very much for that. She is very close to my thoughts these days and therefore in my prayers.
Ah, but a bonus -- I now see your blog and what amazing thoughts ruminate in your head, with profundities galore. Stimulating reading, to be sure. Keep it up!
Christian, Just saw your blog-ation exercises. We prayed for Savanna this morning at breakfast. We need pictures of family. We need to hear what is successant. Do you need a business partner?
Christian, there is a picture of you (and me) with hair on my blog.
Thanks for sharing your requests. Will pray much for you and your family in the days ahead. may the God of peace give you much comfort, and may he keep you in His peace as your mind is stayed upon Him (Isaiah 26:3). Much love,
LOL! Great picture, Gene! I'm glad you prepared me - otherwise I might not have known what creature had died on our heads.
From the other pics, it looks like another creature has found comfort wrapping itself around your chin and cheeks.. .
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