Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Bush Derangement Wearing Off

There are signs that the pandemic which is the "Bush Derangement Syndrome" (BDS) is starting to subside.

What is BDS?

BDS is that pervasive contagion which subversively and subtly causes one's perception of all events in life to be negatively interpreted and then be linked back to President Bush. BDS is the reason why Bush can both be a stumbling dunce AND the current evil mastermind behind the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. BDS is how Bush can simultaneously be an inhumane, war mongering drunkard and a radical born again Christian who insanely feels personally called by God to the Office of the Presidency. BDS is why Bush is obviously the original, prime and personal point of causation for Global Warming, Hurricane Katrina and bridge collapses.

Is BDS Subsiding?

A recent poll reports some perspective may be returning to the populace:

  • About 64 percent of likely voters approve of Bush's economic stimulus package passed earlier this year;
  • 67 percent back his initiatives to help struggling home owners survive the current mortgage crisis
  • 70 percent endorse his plan to allow monitoring of foreign communications of suspected terrorists
  • 72 percent back his visit to the Mideast to promote peace. In addition, 52 percent approve of his surge of U.S. troops into Iraq.

If you are like me, you may not wholeheartedly support these specific initiatives, but it is encouraging to see folks finally being willing to attribute something positive to the President. If BDS antibodies continue to fight back this infection, perhaps the body politic will finally take a second looks at:

  • An economic record which, despite the current unpleasantness, featured record growth in jobs, home ownership, minority income advancement, stock market levels, involvement in the stock market and GDP growth.

  • A foreign policy record which features huge increases in international aid, the dismantling of an international nuclear weapons black market, the clearing of chemical weapons from Libya, alignment with Eastern Europe, the birth of Democracy in numerous nations and the building of alliances in the emerging Pacific super-market.

  • A return of decorum and respect to the White House.

On Principle,


1 comment:

Miss Potter said...

I absolutely LOVE your definition of BDS!