Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Foretaste of Arizona?

I received the following Straw Poll Results from a leading party activist and friend in Arizona. Is this a foretaste of concern for McCain?

Maricopa Republicans Presidential Straw Poll Vote Results

Maricopa County Republicans conducted a Presidential Straw Poll during the Jan. 19 Maricopa County Republican Committee meeting in Tempe. In the first category the delegates were able to vote for only their first choice for president.

Those results were as follows. Presidential Straw Poll with 721 ballots cast:

188 Mitt Romney 26%

121 Fred Thompson 17%

115 Ron Paul 16%

93 Duncan Hunter 13%

80 John McCain 11%

33 Rudy Giuliani 9%

32 Mike Huckabee 9%

In the second voting category, the delegates were able to vote for more than one candidate as unacceptable. In the Unacceptable Category 427 out of 721 (59%) of the delegates declared McCain as one of their unacceptable candidates. The tallies were:

427 McCain

396 Paul

357 Giuliani

340 Huckabee

156 Hunter

152 Thompson

121 Romney

In the third category, the delegates were able to vote for more than one candidate as acceptable.

Those results were as follows:

370 Thompson

358 Hunter

356 Romney

235 Giuliani

207 Huckabee

135 McCain

120 Paul

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